
Thursday, February 14, 2008


Has anyone noticed that there seems to be headlines about earthquakes happening just about every day? Has it always been like this or is this unusual? Today the country of Greece is on edge as they are being rattled.

I have read the reports of geologists who are saying that, in fact, the frequency of major earthquakes has increased over the past hundred years and even more so in the past ten. What is interesting to me is that Christ talks of birth pangs, or contractions. As they draw closer together and become more intense for the pregnant woman, we know that the baby is close to being delivered. In the same way, many watchers of prophecy believe that God is getting ready to deliver something of major proportions to this earth and the earthquakes and unrest are signs that the world is groaning and anitcipating the coming of the 2nd Adam (Christ) to make all things straight. Christ tells us in Matthew 24 that there will be wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes everywhere...and this will be one sign.