
Monday, February 4, 2008


I am still digesting in my mind all I heard on Saturday night while attending a talk given by a local St Thomas professor. I knew early on in his talk that we were not going to be in agreement on most of what he said. First off he claimed (because the pope said so) that Muslims are praying to the same God that we are. I further pressed him on explaining why Islam isn't a cult. And he couldn't defend that posistion. When someone else in the crowd brought up Mormons and how they were a cult and asked how Islam was any different...he had no answer except to say that he thought Joseph Smith's revelations seemed "crazy" to him. Wow!! So it is now up to this professor to decide for himself who in the world is a false teacher based on his own feelings??.... Furthermore, we pressed him on reconciling the words of Christ, "I am the way the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father excepth through the Son." He told us that he would be fired the very next day if he was ever found tellling his students that Jesus is the only name that saves. He was (in his own words) very impressed with Islam and sees no reason why Christians should be trying to evangelize this religion. He I know that the Great Apstasy that Christ talks about is already among us, it was just eye opening to realize how close it truly is.
II Timothy 2:5 tells us that in the last days, "they will hold to the outward form of our religion, but reject it's real power." It seems this St Thomas prof is well on the road to fufilling that one.


  1. Spencer is now studying Hitler and just watched the Anne Frank movie in History class. Spencer has very little interest in History but this has caught his attention. You made the comment of Hitler then in like Islam now. I would love to have discusses with him about this so he maybe could possibly make some connections of his own. In your opinion what would the best way I could research the comparison of the two?

