
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More from Russia

I still remember watching in amazement as the Berlin Wall was torn down in the early '90's and the images broadcast all over the world. I remember thinking that the world would now be at peace for a long, long time. So what's up with Russia? First off they build a naval base in Syria, now they are having the biggest war games since the cold war, then they plant a flag on the north pole and start to make movements that they are going to claim that as their own, they sign military agreements with Syria and Iran, (Israel's arch enemies), and now they are taunting various countries all over the world with their military planes, including the US.,2933,330362,00.html


and Britain.

Putin, the Russian leader, spent years in the Russian KGB and is enjoying enormous popularity with his people. He took a big step towards dictatorship this past year when he announced he will step down as President, due to term limits, but created a spot for himself as Prime Minister and basically named the president, who he will control as a puppet.

The entire Russian economy is about the size of New Jersey's economy, so they don't have a lot of positive assets to play with. So if they want to regain prominence and attention in the world, they need to play with their negative assets...planes, bombs and ships. Why do we watch Russia? Since Moscow is directly north of Jerusalem, and the Russians have a long history of Jew hatred and persecution...most watchers believe that they fit the role of Magog in Ezekiel 38.

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