
Friday, February 8, 2008

Sharia law

It appears that the Archbishop of Canterbury is very suprised at the turmoil over his statements in favor of implementing some parts of sharia law in the UK. You can read the attached BBC article here;

Sharia law is the law as it is laid out in the Koran. Currently Iran and Saudi Arabia are examples of states that operate by Sharia law. That's why they kill homosexuals and hang drunkards and stone adulterers in those countries...because the Koran prescribes the punishment for those crimes.
This is also another reason that those countries do not look kindly on democracies, since they believe that there is no law except that given by Allah. Since democracies are governed by laws written by men, that makes them an affront to a fundamentalist muslim. Since we are the greatest country in the world and are ruled by laws of men...that's why we are referred to as the "Great Satan". Since Israel is the only functioning democracy in the Middle east, they are referred to as "Little Satan". Radical Islam is a force that the Western world will have to deal with in a very serious way. Sadly, simply appeasing them and giving them what they want is a sign of weakness is their minds and increases the certainty that they will ask for more.

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