
Friday, March 14, 2008


Ezekiel 38 tells us that Gog of Magog will have an alliance with Iran and Libya, just to name a few. This passage describes in detail what has become knows as Ezekiel's war. It is an unfufilled prophecy that biblical scholars agree will take place somewhere before, during or at the end of the Tribulation period. This article hit the news today;

We are told that the Tribualtion will last a total of 7 yrs, with the first 3 1/2 in relative peace and the last 3 1/2 yrs being so violent that if Christ doesn't come to put an end to it, no human would survive. Christ must be very close if Tribulation events are coming into focus. This should be a call for all Christians to pray for the lost and to use our passion to try and snatch souls with the little time we have left.

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