
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Temple Mount

It's amazing how much time is being focused on that tiny strip of land called Israel. And as Joel Rosenberg points out in his book EPICENTER, it's TRULY amazing how much energy and time is being focused on the 35 acres in Jerusalem call the Temple Mount. It's where the first (and only) two Jewish temples were built. The first by King Solomon and when that was destroyed, the 2nd temple was rebuilt by the Jews returning from exile in Babylon. There has not been a temple on the Mount since 70 AD when the Romans destroyed it, just as Jesus said it would be. But the bible tells us that the 3rd temple WILL BE BUILT, and for many in Israel, they are preparing for this certainty. This temple will be a focal point during the 7 yr Tribulation that Daniel, Jesus and John all speak about. Here is a good article to further this understanding and expand on the ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION.

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