
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Iran and Russia

We are all paying attention to the union of Russia and Iran (Persia) because of their place in the battle prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39. For the first time in human history, this alliance seems to be strengthening. Why? Russia has guns, missiles, planes and ships. Iran has oil. Plus they would both like to have a larger share of world power. I see Russia becoming very dangerous in the near future as their society crumbles. They don't have a lot of positive assets to play with so we can count on them playing with their negative assets in their last years. So this headline and article is pretty amazing;

1 comment:

  1. Dennis, this is particularly frightening when you connect the dots on the CNN Beck/Rosenberg interview. If Iran's foreign policy is to 'obliterate Israel then the USA, so as to create world chaos' (to usher in the 12th Imam), this headline and article about Russia joining Iran is solving world problems, including the nuclear standoff with the West, means something altogether different than typical diplomacy. Gog and Magog are identifying themselves - are people seeing this?
