
Friday, April 18, 2008


I'll let Joel Rosenberg explain why it is INCREDIBLY interesting that Putin is meeting with Libya's leader. The posting is from his Flash Traffic news that I received today.

By Joel C. Rosenberg (Jerusalem, Israel, April 17, 2008) -- One week ago today, my colleagues and I were holding our inaugural Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem, discussing the prophecies of Ezekiel 38-39 which foretell the rise of a dictator in Russia who forms strategic alliances in the "last days" not only with Iran but also with Libya. Today, Russian President Vladimir Putin is actually in Libya, the first Russian leader in history to visit the North African country, creating a strategic alliance, signing numerous agreements, and negotiating a $2.5 billion arms sale to this enormous and historic enemy of Israel. "Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi hailed Russian President Vladimir Putin's official visit as 'historic and strategic' during a state dinner at the Bab Azizia palace," reported Agence France Presse. "'This is the first visit by a Russian president to Libya. It is a historic, strategic and very important visit,' Kadhafi said in a speech....'The trip will enable increased cooperation, given that we are both producers of gas and oil,' Kadhafi said. 'We will work together to defend our interests.' Libya is a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2007-2008, and Khadafi said the world body needed to be reformed in order to face what he called an "imbalance of forces" internationally. Putin, who spoke in Russian, said: 'We must reflect on the project to reform the United Nations' and referred to 'a friendly country on the Security Council with which we can work together to resolve problems.' The Russian president said 'a large number of agreements' would be signed between the two countries during his 24-hour visit to Libya. Putin arrived in Tripoli on Wednesday at the head of a large delegation for a visit expected to be dominated by talks over energy contracts and arms sales." Is this proof that the prophecies found in Ezekiel 38-39 are close to fulfillment? This is a question I have addressed in the Epicenter book and film, and addressed at last week's conference. Let me state again in no uncertain terms that in my view it remains too early to draw such a definitive conclusion. More would have to happen geopolitically to cause me to be able to state publicly and with assurance that we were about to see the "War of Gog and Magog" come to pass in our lifetime, much less soon. That said, however, Putin's historic trip to Libya today -- along with many of Putin's moves over the past eight years, including his historic visit to Iran last fall -- have been remarkably, even eerily, consistent with Biblical prophecy. Which is why a large and growing number of people are asking such questions. For now, the bigger question is: Are evangelical Christians doing everything we possibly can to pray for peace and prepare for war in the Middle East?

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