
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Peace for Gaza?

The idea of peace between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza, which is currently run by Hamas, seems so far from reality that it almost borders on the absurd. Also, it seems fairly obvious that, unless Jesus intervenes directly, another generation of "death-lovers" are going to come of age in the Palestinian territory. Most of us American children grew up watching Romper Room. It was a fun show for pre-schoolers that introduced us to reading and writing and music. The Palestinian pre-schoolers are being taught about killing, death, revenge, and suicide bombing. In a broadcast yesterday, the Palestinian children were "entertained" with a puppet show that depicted the stabbing to death of President Bush and the promise to turn the White House into an Islamic mosque. You can read the article here;

Or you can watch the clip from MEMRI here;

And at this very time we have Washington diplomats, at the order of Pres. Bush, who are pressuring Israel to give these people their own state. Yet Hamas won't stop lobbing missiles into Israel for one single day. Truly, there will never be peace in Palestine until the one and only Prince of Peace shows up on the scene.

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