
Wednesday, April 16, 2008


We've talked about Ezekiel's war a lot...why?...because what could be more amazing than watching the players be put on the global-chess-board for the first time in human history? We have Russia (Magog) signing alliances and crawling into bed with the very countries that Ezekiel mentioned over 2800 yrs ago. "Yeah, so what?", some people might say. I'll tell you what; If Ezekiels war is close to being a reality, then we know that God will supernaturally handle that war (the bible tells us so). If God is supernaturally handling the outcome of this war to protect Israel, that means that the Christian church is gone...meaning Christ came for His Bride...meaning most people reading this blog will be gone "in the twinkling of an eye". Check out the headlines from The Jerusalem Post and re read Ezekiel 38-39;

Another article here:

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