
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Strange lights

The linked article talks about a strange formation of lights hovering over Phoenix on Monday.,2933,352156,00.html

The city is obviously buzzing with reports on local news and radio shows and you can watch the TV report here. The lights have appeared over Phoenix before and you can look on Youtube yourself and see all sorts of videos and news reports that have captured an entire formation of flying lights in 1997. There were thousands of witnesses and there is no official explanation for the current sightings or the 1997 sightings.

These unexplained sightings have increased exponantially around the world. In Stephenville Texas last January there were hundreds of witnesses who were credible enough that major news stations sent crews to interview and investigate. You can watch the Larry King report here;

Recently the Mexican Air Force captured some incredible videos of strange lights and you can watch that report here.
This report says that foreign governments are starting to demand that the US gov't come clean and release all of it's UFO archives. Also, the interviewed gentlemen says that disclosure by the US gov't is "Very close", when the day will come that an official member of the gov't will confirm that they are aware of "extra terrestial" visits.

Also, their were sightings by many American airline pilots over Chicago last year and you can watch those news reports here;

What do you guys think? What kind of strange things are going on? Is this all forshadowing of "the great deception" that the bible talks about in 2 Thess. 2:10-11?

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