
Monday, May 26, 2008

From Horses to Mars

The prophet Daniel told us that in the last days that "knowledge shall increase". For thousands of years mankind pretty much stayed in the same sphere of knowledge. He tilled a garden, he rode a horse and usually died pretty young. It has only been in the last generation that things have changed so drastically because of technology. My grandpa, who is 95, went from riding a horse to school to seeing a space ship land on mars.,2933,358027,00.html

This is the first generation that has seen such a rapid change. When you combine this with the fact that they also saw Israel re-formed as a nation and the increase in strange weather and severe weather and the shakings of the have to entertain the idea that Jesus may have been talking to us when he said, "When you see all these things, you know that He is near, at the very gates". Matthew 24:33

How then shall we live?

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