
Monday, May 12, 2008

Getting real obvious

This morning the headlines read "700 dead, thousands buried in China earthquake". You can read about it here;

If there is still anyone out there who refuses to acknowledge the alarming frequency of these strong quakes AND the "various" places that they are occuring...they are simply not opening their eyes.

In Matthew 24:8, Jesus says that there will be famines and earthquakes everywhere. Read your bible for yourself as to the translation. But the very next verse tells us, "Then you will be arrested and handed over to be punished and be put to death." If we are seeing the earthquakes and we are seeing the shadows of famines starting to fall all over the close are we to the next happening of persecution that Christ forewarns? I, for one, am a believer in the rapture of the Church and believe it will happen BEFORE the incredibly awful things that are going to befall earth and it's inhabitants. We should encourage each other with these words because I honestly believe that we should be looking up, "for our redemption is nigh".

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