
Friday, May 2, 2008

Running our cars

We all know that one of the things that makes America so great is the freedom we have to jump in our car and drive ANYWHERE in the entire country. We have a love affair with our cars and the huge part they play in our lives. As a commuter I know there are many days where we put 100+ miles on our car just getting to work. In 1998, oil was $18/barrel and gas was $1 gallon. This made is economically practical to buy a house in Buffalo and save $50,000 vs. the same house in Plymouth. You saved $500/mo on your mortgage and put a fraction of that into gas getting you commuted. But that will not be the case any longer, at least in the short term. Read what some of the leading experts have to say on our dependence on gasoline and some of the things we could do. Remember, OPEC is collecting money from us and using at least a portion to buy guns and bombs for Islamic Extremist groups that are then turning around and using them to kill us, or attempt to kill us.

1 comment:

  1. A frightening piece of this: "This year, Saudi Arabia’s high-priced oil business will reap that nation’s rulers over $300 billion. Much of this bounty will be wasted on a wild assortment of narcissistic luxuries. The rest go towards funding of network of over twenty thousand Wahhabi madrassas worldwide. There, millions of young boys will be instructed that the way to salvation is to kill Christians, Jews, Buddhists, animists, and Hindus, all as part of a global campaign to create reactionary theocratic states that totally degrade women and deny all political, religious, intellectual, scientific, artistic, or personal freedom to everyone.
