
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Don't preach in London

We have talked about muslim integration in Europe, and it's not going well. Europe brought in cheap labor from Africa and a lot of them brought their muslim religion and traditions. For various reasons they have not assimilated. Since muslim families are averaging 4-5 kids per family and non-muslims are averaging less than 2, it doesn't take a math whiz to see that muslims will soon have a majority in some European countries. When that happens they will be able to elect muslim officials who will then be able to pass laws (sharia laws?) that the freedom loving minority probably won't like. This article is pretty scary since it is happening in London. It seems that two preachers handing out Christain tracts were forced by police to leave since they were offensive to the muslim area they were in. Read on;'You+can't+preach+the+Bible+here,+this+is+a+Muslim+area':+What+police+told+Christian+preachers/

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