
Friday, June 13, 2008

Evil in the World

Here is a must read article from the Wall Street Journal.

The author does a great job of explaining why The West refuses to understand the concept of "evil people". The new thinking of the western world is the belief that people are inherently good and really do just want to all get along. As the author points out, the exact opposite is true. So will we wake up in time? Or will the world be doomed to repeat it's mistakes from WWII....the last time Satan almost succeeded in destroying the Jews.

"Then, as now, the initiative lies with the enemies of the West. Even today, when we are engaged on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, there is little apparent recognition that we are under attack by a familiar sort of enemy, and great reluctance to act accordingly. This time, ignorance cannot be claimed as an excuse. If we are defeated, it will be because of failure of will, not lack of understanding. As, indeed, was almost the case with our near-defeat in the 1940s."

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