
Monday, June 16, 2008

Floods lead to Famine

Today's headline in the New York Times talk about the thousands of acres of farmland that have been destroyed by flooding. Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin seem to be the hardest hit. So where will all the corn come from if the crops from these states are gone? As we all know, corn is not just used for corn on the's in practically every processed food we eat in the form of sweetners and meal. Never mind about the ethanol industry...they will soon be swamped if they are forced to pay $9-10 per bushel. If food riots are already happening around the globe as people can't afford corn to make their much worse could it be this fall as the grain bins and combines sit empty across the grainbelt of this country? You can read the NYT article here:

The bible asks us where our confidence should be? It should always be in the Lord. "Give us our daily bread".

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