
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Israel may attack Iran

Israel is correct in their understanding that Iran's current leaders will not be bribed or coerced to cease their quest for nuclear weapons. They know that everyday the centrifuges keep spinning in Iran that's it's one day closer to attaining a nuclear weapon. Since Ahmadinejad continues to tell the world that Israel is soon to be obliterated, Israel will probably not sit around waiting to see if he is serious or just blowing hot air. Read it here;,1518,559925,00.html

I think we all need to be prepared for the headlines that Israel, (backed by the US) has started bombing runs on Iran in an attempt to destroy their nuclear program. This will affect the entire world and oil could go to to $200/barrel overnight and the corresponding gasoline price would be around $5.75/gallon.

How will our faith in the Lord hold out during difficult times? Strong faith needs to be purifed and refined by being put through the fire. After decades of easy days in America, it may be that a lot of us have bought into the idea that faith in God is all about prosperity and good times...when in reality it is more about building your house on a firm foundation and not on sand.

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