
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Israel, Iran and the Bomb

John Bolton is writing again about the Iranian problem. Today this article appeared in the Wall Street Journal and you can read it here;

Quite frankly, the prospect of Israel and the US going into Iran with planes and missiles is terrifying. Gasoline could be $8 gallon the very next day. And that would have a devastating effect on the US economy which is already trembling because of the housing slow down and mortgage banking debacle.

In addition to this, even moderate Muslim countries who hate Iran, may have to take some sort of action against Israel simply to defend the honor of their fellow muslims...and because of a shared hatred of Israel.

So if we invade...we're sunk. If we do nothing and Iran blackmails the world and ultimately nukes someboday...we're sunk. The world is screaming for answers and leaders to deliver them, but the bible tells us that the world is stay focused on eternal things and remember that we are not of this world since our eternal home lies with Christ.

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