
Friday, July 25, 2008

Sharansky on Iran & Obama

This article/interview with Nathan Sharansky is very telling. Sharansky is an Israeli politician but was a Soviet citizen and spent a decade in their prisons before immigrating to Israel. Listening to him, it sure sounds like war with Iran is imminent and Israel will definitely go alone if they have to. The forces are gathering against Israel because they believe the country has become weak and vulnerable.

"The real problem for his country, he says, slowly sipping a cup of tea as he sits behind his desk, is that the Arab world sees Israel as vulnerable.
“Our adversaries have a growing feeling that we are weak and they are strong. This has to be changed,” he says. To do so, he would punish, including with military retribution, states and networks that back terrorists. "

He is also concerned about Obama as president.

"As we talk, Barack Obama is here visiting Israel. Sharansky is dubious of the candidate.
“He is definitely a big concern for me,” he says.
Sharansky thinks Obama has “a little record or almost no record, while the one who he is competing with is McCain, and we know for sure his principles.”
Sharansky continues the train of thought: “It is very alarming for me the way Senator Obama voted, the way he spoke about his desire to negotiate with Ahmadinejad, and the way some of his advisers think.
“I was at AIPAC. He made a very strong speech, speaking about a Jewish state, defensible borders, a united Jerusalem, then the next day he started correcting himself.”

You should read the entire article here;

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