
Monday, August 11, 2008

Bless the Jews

"I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you," says God to Abraham in referring to the Jews. I believe America has been living under that blessing as we have supported Israel for 60 yrs and been a tool of God to this end.

The other part of the blessing is that God will bless the world through the Jews. Not only does that mean that Jesus, the savior of the world, would come from the Jews, but also tangible blessings that the world and it's people enjoy in this life. Here a few that I plucked from Rosenberg's email;

* The cell phone was developed in Israel by Israelis working for Motorola.

* Voice mail technology was developed in Israel by Israelis working for Microsoft and Cisco.

* Instant Messenger for America Online was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.

* Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies outside the United States and Canada.

* Israel has the highest number of scientists and technicians per capita in the workforce. One hundred forty five out of every ten thousand Israelis are employed in these technical professions.

* Israel is the only country to enter the twenty-first century with a net gain of trees.

* Israel ranks number 2 in the world with the second highest per capita [publishing] of new books.

* Israel has the world's best airline flight security.

* Israel also has the largest number of biotech startups per capita.

* And this one is just flat-out mind blowing - between 1901 and 2006 there have been 750 Nobel Peace Prize winners. Of the 750 winners, Jews have accounted for 158! Twelve million Jews account for twenty-two percent of all Nobel Peace Prizes.

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