
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Europe Jittery Over Russia

This story from the LA Times had me thinking that maybe Russia's recent aggression will make the people of Europe "like" the U.S. a little more. There has been lots of recent talk about how the rest of the world doesn't like the U.S. That we are bullies and cowboys and just run all over everyone. I hear reports from all kinds of world travelers that it hasn't been good lately to say you are a U.S. citizen. Maybe when the rest of the free-world realize that the U.S. has single handedly provided a shield against Russian/Soviet aggression since WWII, they will look a little more kindly towards all of us "cowboys". Afterall, while Europe has been putting all it's money towards social programs and building corporate profits, the US has been putting billions into a military machine that has provided them free protection. Read the LA Times article here;,0,6812498.story

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