
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Iran Buys Wheat from U.S.

This article is hard to read without at least a little smile on your face. For the past few years, the President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is saying that the destruction of the U.S. is near. He also has a habit of referring to us as the Great Satan. So how do you think it made him feel to have to call the U.S. and order ONE MILLION TONS of hard wheat directly from the U.S.?

I can almost here the phone call now, "Good afternoon, United State of Satan. This is Mr. Ahmadinejad and I would like to place an order so me and all my people won't starve this winter. You see, it goes like this; Allah loves us and gives us our daily bread...but he came up a tad short this year so we need to order our bread from you, Satan. When can you get it here? Tuesday? O.K. After I feed my nuclear scientists with your Satan-bread...we will commence working on a bomb to kill you all! Thanks and have a nice day!"

Read the WSJ article here;

1 comment:

  1. Yes, funny - and I hope the bushel price is the same as their oil price/barrel! Real sanctions would say we don't trade with terrorist nations like Iran..
