
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Iran-"No choice but talk"

What will the world do as Iran's Ahmadinejad says flat out that Iran won't quit cooking nuclear matter what the world says? Here's his quote from China Daily; "They have no choice but to talk and cooperate with Iran," Ahmadinejad added.

No choice but to that really all that the world's greatest superpower has as a choice...more talk? We know as Christians, our biggest weapon on the world is prayer, so I would encourage us all to be praying against the "demonic Prince of Persia" (who the angels Michael and Gabriel battled in the book of Daniel) and also for the peace of Jerusalem.

Read the China Daily article here;

I would also pray that the US military has some good options in case talk falls apart. Let's remember that God has used armies of the world, using force to accomplish His purposes and discipline His people.

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