
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Return to Cold War

It's been pretty amazing to watch Russia do a quick turn from friend to foe. For years, after the Berlin wall came down, the world seemed to have a peace dividend. No longer did we all have to worry about a nuclear exchange between the world's super powers. President Clinton slashed the US military budget as the world started to see a time when we would turn our swords into plows.

Last year we pointed out how Russia was building a naval base on Syria. Then they placed a flag on the ocean bottom near the north pole, claiming the artic was theirs. Now they are flying their Bear bombers on all their old cold-war paths forcing many countries to scramble their jets. And now Europe and the world are getting jittery as we watch them walk into Georgia and go against their word and threaten Poland with destruction if they install a U.S. missile defense shield.

And Israel sees that they will be at the epicenter of it all. As Russia arms Syria and signs deals with Iran, and Iran supports Syria and Lebanon, Israel understands that the whole conflict could be played out dangerously close to them. I believe that if the Jews read the new testament, they would understand that it WILL be played out in their backyard. Read here;

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