
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Turmoil in Pakistan

It might be a good thing that Musharraf has been forced to resign, if you consider the fact that he was not democratically elected. Maybe this will open the way for Pakistan to make further strides towards democracy and open-ness is this nuclear armed country. But then again, maybe his resignation will be a catasrophe for the world. The coalition government seeking to replace him is in shambles, muslim extremists are capitializing on the uncertainty as they increase their efforts to kill everyone they can, and some reports I have read say the Al qaeda would win the most seats in parliment if democratic elections were held today. If that happened, I wonder what they would do if they got their hands on the launch codes for the 35 nuclear missiles they have?

Pakistan is on the front page of Google News this morning, and you can read one of the articles here;

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