
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cut the Blue Wire!

Many people have been asking me whether I would vote for or against the $700 Billion bailout. I actually can make a case for either one, but I do know that the average citizen/voter has NO IDEA what this whole deal is even about. They think the $700 Billion is going to just go into the hands of Wall Street traders, but in acutality it is meant to save the main street person. What we have is a credit crisis where no one is lending money to anyone since they fear they might not get it back. So the small business who relies on a line of credit to pay his workers week in and week out may not have money to pay his workers. His business might be great but he only gets paid once per month when he sells a machine, but he needs cash every week to pay his workers. Who will get hurt in that deal? The guy building the machines.

On the other hand, we can't have Government coming in and taking over every bad thing that ever happens from hurricanes, to failed automakers to failed Wall Street firms. So what will be the fall out? Think of the movie we have all seen where the guy has 10 seconds to disarm the bomb. There are two wires....a red one and blue one. He has to make a decision really soon. If he chooses the red one and it's wrong, then everyone will die. Same thing with the blue one. That's what's happening in Congress this week. The timer is ticking and no one has any clue how far or how hard we might fall, so they are just going to close their eyes and cut a wire. Hey...maybe we will get lucky like James Bond always does when he has to choose a wire.

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