
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Gaddafi Bizarre Interview

This is a very telling interview by Al Jazeera of the Libyan leader. It gives you some insight into what the world is going to have to deal with as the U.S. sends our diplomats to meet with some of these leaders. First off, Gadafi's own son is saying that the Libyan leader is a satanist. And after reading this interview, it makes you wonder if that isn't a possibility.

Read the interview here;

The interesting news is the the leader seems to be in love with Condaleeza Rice, who is there today. So pray for her while she is meeting him in his tent. Evidently, he prefers meetings in tents rather than buildings.

The other interesting news is that he seems to be forsaking his arab relations. He predicts the demise of Israel simply from a demographic view as he realizes that soon there will be half a billion arabs and the Jewish nation will simply drown in a sea of arabs.

This is curious as it relates to the Ezekiel 38 prophecy that mentions Libya and an arab horde being led by Russia, bringing an army to destroy Israel. If Gaddafi is telling the arabs to stay away from him, watch for the Russians and/or Iran (persians) to entice him into a jew-exterminating plan.

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