
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Islamic Law in Britain

Here is an interesting headline; BRITAIN ADOPTS ISLAMIC LAW.

As we have said, France, Spain and Great Britain will soon have muslim majorities and when you have a democracy, the majority is who sets the rules. So look for more and more Islamic rules to start popping up in Europe.

You might say, "why should that concern me?" The answer is that Islam is a dangerous cult that has a history of NOT living peacefully with non-muslims. Plus it's fairly obvious that Satan is using this cult to cause bloodshed and mayhem all over the world. The vast majority of armed conflicts happening in the world today have Islam involved on one side or the other.

Read the article here;,2933,422661,00.html

Continue to prayer for our muslim neighbors as we want all people to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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