
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Muslim Prayer Case Sets Precedent

First we had muslim taxi drivers who would refuse to pick up passengers at the Mpls-St Paul airport who were carrying liquor. Now we have muslims who are demanding prayer time during work and asking for special concessions since their religion doesn't allow them to handle pork...AND THEY WON!

Read the Star Tribune article here;

Here's a real obvious answer; If you don't want to serve alcohol...don't apply to be a bartender. If you don't like cattle...don't apply to be a cowboy. If you can't touch pork...don't apply for work at a hog slaughterhouse. If you want to live in a muslim country...don't come to America, because it is not a muslim country.

I swear....the world just seems to be losing all sense of logic and common sense.

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