
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Beer Parties in Iraq?

O.K...with all the doom a gloom going on in the world, there has to be a little good news somewhere, right? How about a story about a german guy in Iraq who is bringing some fun into the war-torn region? They just got done celebrating Oktoberfest in this one town, so the article below is pretty fun reading.

Read it here;

However, since the article is published by the AP (notoriously liberal), see if you can find the barb that this journalist could not resist planting. Sorry, I just had to point it out. At the very end he says, "It's a strange song perhaps for a gathering of people in Iraq, where tens of thousands have died since the 2003 U.S. invasion."

Had I been writing the article, I might have said, "It's a strange song perhaps for a gathering of people in Iraq, where hundreds of thousands were butchered at the hands of Saddam and where thousands have died in recent years as they struggle for peace alongside the U.S. led invasion."

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