
Monday, October 13, 2008

Religious Jews Know

Many fundamental Christians know there is something big going on. Many muslims know we are at a turning point in history. Many religious Jews know that we are near the end of human history. Read this paragraph from the intro of a book titled; DAYS OF AWE...AWESOME DAYS, written by Rav Sutton.

"Our rabbis tell us that the entire historical drama of our planet is now approaching its finale. The people of Israel must play an active role in their “mission impossible” of bringing mankind to a higher stage of moral and spiritual evolution. Now, in our time, the world’s eyes are turning more and more to the claim of Israel through its ancient Torah: There is One God who created the world and man with a purpose. As history accelerates towards its final stages, it is crucial for Israel and mankind to understand that purpose and to consciously participate in its fulfillment."

So what in the world is going on? For Christians who know their bible, this is an exciting time because we know that our Lord Jesus will soon return in the sky and with a shout and a loud trumpet, will summon his bride (all believers) to His side. And we will be with Him forever.

Remember NOTHING has to happen for Christ to return and snatch up His church. But there are many things that need to happen before Christ RETURNS to earth (2nd advent) 7 yrs after the rapture. So if we are seeing the signs of His soon return to earths (2nd advent)...and we know that the rapture happens 7 yrs the math! The rapture of the church must be getting very close! Are you ready to be transformed in the twinkling of an eye? Do your loved one's around you have a personal relationship with Christ? If they don't, the bible is VERY CLEAR that they will be left behind. Tell someone your testimony today and what Christ means to you. Invite them to accept the invitation that Christ has extended to all...before that invitation is withdrawn forever.

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