
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sin is the Cause of U.S. Financial Crisis

We have all probably heard of Crown Financial Ministries if we have ever listened to James Dobson and/or KTIS radio. In this article, the CEO of Crown hits it on the head when he says that our financial crisis is caused by sin and unless we repent of probably won't be fixed. As Christians, we all need to ask ourselves if we have been spending more time and effort accumulating wealth and treasures on earth than we have spent on making disciples. I fear that we have ignored The Great Commission that Christ left us with and instead left that job up to our church. If this is the case, and I'm pretty sure it is, then we can assume that God's judgement will soon be coming. As we cry about our falling stock market and lost wealth, I think of Christ's words; "where your treasure is...there also is your heart".

Read Crown article here;

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