
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Brainwashed by Satan

A woman was recently captured in Iraq whos is said to be the "Mother of all suicide bombers." She is reponsible for recruiting young girls to blow themselves up and attempt to kill all the innocent bystanders that they doesn't matter if it's soldiers from her own country, little children, or shoppers at the market looking for dinner...just kill all you can in the name of allah.

Reportedly, the most recent bomber was a 13 yr old girl, and she killed 5 Iraqi guards on her way out. Here are some of the lies that they tell these little girls and women to get them to perform this horrendous act...what's even worse, their own mothers are telling them to blow themselves up!

"She said she is just one of many mothers who do the same job," he said. "And there are many girls who are willing to die. The mothers tell them that they will go to heaven, where they will sit by rivers of honey and have lunch with the prophet Mohammad and live in comfort."

"The girls are the wives of al-Qaeda members, so their husbands tell them that their martyrdom would be glorious and the husbands too will automatically get to heaven as a result of their wives willingness to kill themselves in the name of religion."

Read the full article here;

I ask you a question...where are all the voices of outrage from the muslims around the world, and in this country, to this crime against humanity?

Please continue to pray against the forces of Satan that have captured these people in a huge lie. The believe they are going directly to some sort of heaven. What a terrifying thought to imagine that some young or man or woman who just blew himself up opens his eyes in eternity, but instead of seeing anything pleasant...he sees The Father of ALL Lies...and it's too late to change your mind.

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