
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Frightening/Exciting Times

The world seems to be growing more unstable everyday which is heating up the call for "globalization". The times are being set for the one-world government that will usher in the anti-christ...just as the bible says.

The author of Rapture Ready, Terry James, has some great thoughts that I will post below:

Frightening/Exciting Time To Be Alive

This is a generation which can, if one’s head isn’t buried in the sand, sense the groping fingers of ungodly forces reaching, grasping to strangle anything that puts forward the name of Jesus Christ and his righteousness. In sheer political terms, there can be seen on the horizon legislation such as the “fairness doctrine” that would stifle biblical teaching against the abominable practice of homosexuality. Legislation to increase legalization parameters for killing babies in the mother’s wombs awaits the development of a super-majority in Congress that can’t be overridden by presidential veto, or even filibustered against in the legislative process. There now will be a president who seems favorably inclined toward supporting both of these egregious proposals.

Time and time again, we have pointed to the signals that illustrate dramatically the almost certainty that the present generation is within the conditions and experiencing the birthpang convulsions Jesus describes in the Olivet Discourse. The geopolitical upheavals moving the world toward globalization at a dazzling rate, with the sudden economic meltdown drawing even avowed foes into new arrangements in order to try to avert international financial collapse, should alert children of God that the shout “Come up here!” can’t be far from happening. At the same time, the terrifying prospect for those who will be left behind is a mind-boggling matter for those who truly understand the events that put lost human beings on the cusp of apocalypse. The operative instruction for this late hour of the age is that we who name the name of Christ must be about the Father’s business.

You can read the entire article here;

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