
Friday, November 21, 2008

Future for Planet earth...Not Good

One of the questions I get from people in Christian and non-Christian circles is, how can I focus on all the gloom and doom taking place on planet earth and still manage to be happy? That is a good question. My response if sometimes a question back to can you read the bible and not understand that the future of planet earth is NOT GOOD? The bible is very clear that the love of many will grow cold, wars and famines and bloodshed will be on earth until Christ DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH THIS EARTH! So how are we supposed to stay happy as we watch all of this transpire??...because we know the Master and He promises us that we will be saved from the wrath of God.

So when I see this article from U.S. Intelligence titled, "FUTURE IS NUCLEAR WAR AND FAMINE", I take comfort in knowing that the world seems to be about right on schedule for what the Master of the Universe has told us will happen. And that strengthens my faith in the Word of God...which in turn makes me happy.

Read the article here;,25197,24684836-12377,00.html

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