
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Global Harmony

In this headline article from Yahoo, we see that the European Union has dispatched a letter to the new U.S. President elect...whomever that might be. In the letter they are asking for more, "global harmony, global balance and global change". I don't fault them for asking for that, I just think it's amazing how the world will be begging for a world-leader who can solve the earth's problems on global basis...and how this all ties in to the bible's prophecy about a one-world-government.

Read it here;

Certainly the anti-christ has been prompted and the curtain is about to go up on the last scene of the play. (No, it is not Obama) We most certainly have been given ALL SORTS of warnings by our God who is loaded with mercy and want's all to come to salvation through Christ...before it's too late.

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