
Friday, November 7, 2008

Militant Gays

As we know, Proposition 8 in California was passed and said that marriage is between one man and one woman. What a relief. Even in the state of fruits and nuts, the vast majority see that traditional marriage should be upheld. So what do all the gays do who preach tolerance and acceptance??...They start picketing and threatening everyone in the state. The comments that they are making are terroristic and should be prosecuted under the "hate crimes" statutes that THEY were so vocal about passing.

Read some of their violent comments here;

Remember to pray for any gay people that you know. They are bound in sin just like the rest of us. The big difference for many is that they want to deny that their lifestyle and their lusts are sin...which is clearly in defiance to God's word.

It would be the same thing as if every married man started engaging in adulterous sex with other women besides their wives. If you asked the men why they were behaving that way, their response would truthfully be that they were born lustful with a desire for multiple partners. They would further claim that they were just doing what comes if men are born that must be O.K. to behave that way. Clearly, that would be against God's word...just the same as the homosexual lifestyle.

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