
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Olmert Visiting Bush

The official headline is that Israel's Olmert is coming to visit President Bush so they can say goodbye to each other...but that may not be the whole story. Some speculate that the reason for the visit is to discuss possible military action against Iran's nuclear facilities.

As we know, Israel is set to have elections on February 10 and some believe it would be highly unlikely that Israel will engage in a war until they have a strong cental government in place. On the flip side, some rumor has it that Iran is hinting at a pre-emptive attack on Israel since the rumors of an attack against them is getting them jittery. So rumors are building on all sides.

The nuclear experts are now saying that Iran has enough nuclear material to build a bomb about the same size as the U.S. dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. If you were Israel with a tiny border and only 7 million people concentrated in a few large cities...even a small nuclear bomb in the hands of a suicidal regime who is calling for the destruction of Israel...would be unacceptable.

Read the full article here;

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