
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Perils Ahead

As many of you know, we believe that the blessings of America have been given by God largely because of our direct support for the Jews and Israel. "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." Genesis 12:3

That being said, let's pay careful attention to what happens if we start to pressure the Jews and/or get involved in dividing Israel and/or Jerusalem. I believe that if that happens you will continue to see America fall into decline...just like so many nations before us that cursed the Jews.

I've attached an article by Caroline Glick who is a well know conservative writer in Israel. Again, we are seeing the continued build up of conversation about Israel needing to act against Iran...since the world community simply doesn't seem willing to go there. Here is a very telling paragraph from her article;

" The Obama team's pre-inaugural signals indicate strongly that Israel's next government will need to strike Iran's nuclear installations before two rapidly approaching deadlines. The strike will have to occur before the mullahs enrich sufficient quantities of highly enriched uranium to produce nuclear bombs. And Israel will need to neutralize Iran's nuclear program before the Obama administration begins implementing America's new foreign policy. "

Read the full article here;

Hat tip to Barb.

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