
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Praying to the Same God?

I heard it again last week from the President Bush camp. Bush has publicly said that we all pray to the same god. What does that even mean? You mean to tell me that if he calls for a global prayer conference and invites all the religions of the world...he believes something good will come from it? If I am praying to God, and someone next to me is praying to Allah (ancient moon god) and a Hindu on my other side is praying to Krishna (reincarnated cow god?) and a scientologist is praying to Mother earth, and someone across the room is praying to Satan...what purpose would that accomplish except to give the AP and Reuters news service a pathetic photo opp? Plus Oprah would love it because it shows such "global tolerance".

I've got news for you...the God of the universe who created it ALL and brought the Jews out of Egypt and sent his son to die on the cross to save the world...He is a VERY INTOLERANT GOD! Furthermore He is a very jealous God...and He has told us this often in the bible.

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus Christ, 27 A.D.

Look around the world and see what the fate is of countries who DO NOT worship The God of Israel. The sum total of them has been pathetic. Europe used to be a Christian continent and now it's church's sit empty...a reminder of what they used to be. In a very few years, they will be over run with worshipers of allah. In France alone, over 1500 islamic mosques have been built. When Christainity refuses to take a stand, it gets run over...because the earth is satan's least for a little while longer.

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