
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Radical Power Grab

We know that the world is already clamoring for centralized authority...the United Nations would be a precursor to what "the World" would like to see as a governing body. And the call to conform to world opinions is going to grow stronger and stronger as the worlds problems (and perceived problems) grow larger and larger.

The article below talks about a UN convention called the Rights of the Child. The convention was passed in 1989 and only the U.S. and Somalia have failed to ratify it. The fear of conservatives is that the UN court could potentially strip the power from states and the federal government on child rights right here in the USA. That would be alarming if the UN had the power to tell Minnesota that we HAD to expose our children to a "Gay Rights" day at school. What if they put together a UN sexuality class and struck down any U.S. state that refused to use it?

The UN is full of corruption and liberal thinkers who have disdain for biblical principals...a recipe for disaster. I hope we will continue to refuse to sign this legislation. Our kids already have enough rights...we don't need a UN watchdog telling us something we haven't asked for.

Read the article here;

Also, pay special attention to what President elect Obama has said regarding this issue; "When asked about the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the campaign trail, President-elect Barack Obama expressed a willingness to consider sending the treaty to Congress for ratification. “It is embarrassing to find ourselves in the company of Somalia, a lawless land,” Obama said. “I will review this.”

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