
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Russia - U.S. Collision Course

The article I will post below talks about how Russia is putting short-range missiles on it's far western border. This is their response to the U.S. signing a missile-shield deal with Poland. We all know that our deal with Poland is an attempt to keep the U.S. and Europe safe from Iranian, (or other rogue nations) missiles, but the Russians don't see it that way. And they are starting to flex their military muscle...because that might be the only muscle they have left. Their stock market is disappearing, the birth rate is non existent so they are becoming extinct as a people, and now their biggest cash cow (oil) is at a 20 month low so their cash is dwindling. What's a poor dictator to do if he wants the eyes of the world to stay focused on him?? about you start to threaten your neighbors and start blaming things on everyone else so you don't have to take the bitter pill of reality necessary to fix your crumbling society?

Here is a classic sentence plucked from the article, uttered by a Columbia Prof.; "She said Russia does not pose a threat to the U.S.
"They have lots of problems. They're facing a decline in oil prices and population growth. They have a whole lot of problems. How can they be a threat?" she said.

Read the full article here;

What she doesn't understand is that the Bible clearly says that Russia WILL be a threat to the nation of Israel in the Last days. She also must not remember how Hitler rose to power in the throes of a global depression and how British Prime Minister Chamberlain declared that Germany was not a threat...right before they invaded their european neighbors.

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