
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Disproportionate Violence

The world's media is already abuzz with talk of all the death and destruction that Israel is laying on Hamas in Gaza. They tell us that hundreds have been killed in Gaza but only a few in Israel. According to their math, that equates to disproportionate violence. Question; what did Hamas expect would happen when all they have is home-made missiles and Israel has one of the world's most powerful militaries?

I was talking with my friend, James, and he heard a discussion on talk radio that provided a pretty good word-picture of these events. It goes like this; If you came upon a sleeping grizzly bear and you started poking him with a knitting needle, he might first stir a bit and growl a warning. But if you continue to poke him he is eventually going to wake up angry and take a full swipe at you with all his force. You wouldn't expect the bear to poke you back with a knitting needle if he has 15 pound claws attached to a 200 pound arm. And when he does connect with you, the pain you suffer is going to be substantially more that the pain you inflicted on the bear.

That seems logical...but as we know, logic is in short supply whenever the world talks about the Jews and Israel.

If Hamas survives the current onslaught of Israel's military, maybe they would be wise to try and talk in calming tones to the bear. And if they still feel the need to shoot missiles at someone, maybe they should focus their frustration on the other Arab leaders in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Syria who refuse to handle the refugee problem in a rational way. Afterall, they are the one's who created the problem and they are the one's who insist on keeping the Palestinians in a overpopulated pressure cooker with no good alternatives...except to lash out.

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