
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Even Sweden Gets an Earthquake

Jesus said there would be earthquakes in various places...and this would be one of the signs that would usher in His return to earth. Now remember, the rapture of the church is imminent. There is nothing that has to happen for the trumpet to blow to announce the coming of the Bridegroom for His bride. But we also know that as soon as we are gone, (raptured) the 70th Week of Daniel will start to play out. (also referred to as The Tribulation) So about 7 yrs after we are raptured, we will return with Christ to earth to reign and rule with Him during the millenium.

So what we are seeing is the foreshadowing of all these events (prophesies fulfilled) that will take place AFTER we are gone from planet earth. The earthquakes in Illinois, Sweden, Iran, China, etc... are all birth pangs that will continue to grow more frequent and more "various" until Christ returns at the end of the tribulation.

Also remember that when Christ does return to earth and touches down on the Mount of Olives that a HUGE earthquake will crack the mountain in half and rearrange all of planet earth. So all these tremors and quakes are the earth's birth pangs as it gets ready for one final earthquake that will be larger than anything the earth has ever experienced.

All you Swedish Covenanters can read about the Swedish earthquake here;

Also note that this was the biggest one recorded there in over 100 years. Pretty say the least.

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