
Monday, December 8, 2008

Iran and Obama

Iran was hopeful that Obama was going to bring change to the current impasse that exists between Iran and the Western World. But it seems that even Obama, with all his charisma, may have a tough time dealing with this suicidal regime. Obama has said he needs to offer the carrot and stick approach to Iran. I'm sure the Iranians don't like being compared with rabbits and they said so right away.

Read article here;

At the end of the article, Obama talks about the sticks that may have to be used if the carrots don't work. He says, "But we also have to focus on the sticks," he continued; "in order for us to change Iran's behavior we may have to tighten up those sanctions."

Boy oh boy!...I bet Ahmadinejad is shaking in his boots as Obama terrifies him with the threats of tighter sanctions!

Please pray for President elect Obama that he can begin to understand the nature of Islamic radicals who have said they would sacrifice their entire citizens populations if it meant destroying the Jews. Satanic evil probably won't respond well to sanctions.

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