
Friday, December 26, 2008

Major Confrontation

It appears that Israel and the Islamists in Gaza, ruled by Hamas, are growing closer to a confrontation. Let's remember that Israel gave the Gaza strip over to Palestinian rule just a few years ago in an attempt to gain peace. Within months of Palestinian rule, missiles were flying out of Gaza and into Israel. Now Israel will probably have to take it back under control to put a stop to the numerous missile attacks.

Read the article here;

So it seems that Israel, and the neighbors who hate her, continue to be on the headline news every single day. Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


  1. Well they are at it...

    I cannot believe the chutzpah of the Palestinian leadership. They allow rockets to be fired endlessly into Israel, killing truly innocent people and then when Israel strikes back at military targets purposely surrounded by human shields they cry foul!

  2. As Ehud Olmert said Dec 29, "There is nobody on earth that understands why Hamas continues to fire missiles..." So if it's nobody on must be somebody off this earth that continues to push them forward, feeding them a lie.
