
Friday, December 5, 2008

Terrorist Training In Twin Cities?

The article below is disturbing for a variety of reasons. It appears that Somalian boys and young men are being recruited to train as Islamic fighters and suicide bombers...right here in the Twin Cities. They are going to after-school programs at their local mosque, but instead of playing basketball and having a snack...they are being brainwashed into believing the hatred and lies of radical Islam.

Read article here;,2933,461865,00.html

One boy even graduated from Roosevelt High School but still turned into a suicide bomber and blew himself up in northern Somalia.

I do know that Somalia IS one of the places mentioned in Ezekiel 38 that joins the Russian coalition. So I would expect to watch the Satanic hatred really continue to brew in that country and in that community.

Please continue to pray for these lost souls of Islam. They believe they are killing themselves to receive unlimited virgins and wine in a pornographic paradise...but instead they are greeted by Satan himself soon after blowing themselves up. What a terrifying, eternal mistake for a young man to make.

Hat tip to Julie.

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