
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What do the Arabs Think?

I will post an article from Al Jazeera so you can get a flavor of what this propaganda-paper is explaining to it's arab readers about what is happening in Gaza.

Among other statements that make you wonder if this paper can EVER claim arab responsiblity for gotta love this quote;

"Israel, its allies in the West and some regional Arab countries have managed to corrupt the leadership of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and entice them with the promise of power at the expense of liberty for their people."

Notice that they lay most of the blame of the corruption of Yassar Arafat and his PLO, at the feet of Israel. Like it's Israel's fault that Arafat was a big-fat-liar who took the world's money and put it in Swiss bank accounts and slept in the Clinton White house on satin sheets, while he convinced little kids to strap bombs to themselves and blow up Israeli buses. Too bad he didn't have the courage to blow himself up for Allah a long time ago...Gaza may have been a much better place.

Read article here;

As long as the Muslim extremists love death more than they love life...this bizarre tradgedy will continue to unwind. Only Jesus at his 2nd coming will have a lasting answer to this 4000 year old satanic blood fued.

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