
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Excellent Point

Let us remember that the Palestinians in Gaza voted in Hamas in a democratic election. It's too bad that their choice was either Fatah (corrupt and worthless) or Hamas (follow us to kill Jews and restore our dignity!)....but whose fault is it that they can't raise leaders that are honest and helpful in giving the Palestninians a chance for a fruitful life? I guess they will have to look in the mirror to find out whose fault it is...something that no human cares to do.

The author of the artcle below points out that civilian casaulties are, sadly, part of the nastiness of war. They will never be avoided. The innocent will always die with the guilty. That's how this fallen world works. Also we are reminded that the U.S. killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in WWII, most notably when we dropped a bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and vaporized and and/or badly burned two entire cities...and very few soldiers. But history looks at this as something that was necessary to avoid further deaths of U.S. soldiers.

So why is the world in such an uproar about Palestinian civilians suffering pain and death? It goes to the core of the spiritual battle that is raging all around us. Quite simply, Israel and the Jews are God's chosen people that He is soon going to personally handle during the 70th Week of Daniel. (also known as The Tribulation) Since God has marked them as His...Satan (and the world that he commands) is in an uproar about ANYTHING that Israel does. Consequently, the focus on the misdeeds of Israel is totally illogical when put in comparison to what other countries have done in self defense.

Read the full article here;


  1. Hi Dennis-First thing, I aggre with this blog. Second, I switched a couple words around in your first paragraph to make a point.

    Let us remember that the voters in America voted in our officials in a democratic election. It's too bad that their choice was either Dem. or Republican, but whose fault is it that they can't raise leaders that are honest and helpful in giving the Americans a chance for a fruitful life? I guess they will have to look in the mirror to find out whose fault it is...something that no human cares to do.

    Don't get me wrong, I personally havent been happy with either major party for a while, but I have to wonder if God isn't removing his blessings from this country, letting us give ourselves over to our selfishness. Even though God is in control, we are doing this to ourselves.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more, Darwin. In fact I was thinking very much about our own Democrats vs. Republicans as I wrote this post. I told many people that I had voted for the "least worst" options in this past election. God is removing his blessings to us as a nation as we totally remove Him from our consciousness...just like he did to the OT Jews multiple times.
